March 26, 2025 New York

Blog Post

Tree-crops-soil interactions

What is tree crop interactions? How is tree crop interaction important in agroforestry? What is interactions in agroforestry? What type of interaction are most preferred in agroforestry? Understanding how trees, crops, and animals interact is critical for agroforestry students. Trees and crops can share above-ground and below-ground space in simultaneous agroforestry systems. Trees and crops […]

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Forest Plantation

Most of the time, a forest plantation is defined by how much human involvement there was in setting up and/or running the forest. Because intensive forest management uses a wide range of silvicultural practices, the difference between a semi-natural forest and a forest plantation is often just a matter of taste. To use an old […]

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Agroforestry in the landscape

Where is agroforestry most common? What are the advantages of using agroforestry? Why is agroforestry sustainable land use system? What is called agroforestry? The best level for an analysis of natural resource management is a watershed or catchment area. From the highlands to the sea, a succession of ecosystems, or agroecosystems, interact and have an […]

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Guidelines for Choosing and Managing Trees for Agroforestry Systems

It is crucially important, for an agroforestry system to be successful, to carefully pick the appropriate agroforestry system(s) following the farmer’s or gardener’s goals and the potentials of the land, which include things like soil fertility, water availability, closeness to the village, and market access, etc. The following suggestions are provided to preserve the trees […]

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Agroforestry Books

This is the living list of agroforestry books that are available in the market. This list includes free and paid versions of the books. Students, researchers, teachers, and professors will get help from this list while searching for relevant books. Introduction to agroforestry Agroforestry practices Agroforestry systems Potential of agroforestry for climate change Ecosystem restoration […]

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What is Agroforestry?

Agroforestry is the practice of growing trees, animals, fish, and crops together. This system can be done on agricultural land or in homesteads or in forests. By using it, more products and production are obtained from the farm with current resources. Trees grown on farmland will change the growing conditions of surrounding crops, fish, and […]

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Boron Deficiency in Papaya

Boron deficiency greatly hampers papaya production. Boron is essential nutrient for papaya. Papaya requires heavy nutrients for its growth and fruit-bearing. Farmers can identify the deficiency by observing the symptoms of the plants. It is sometimes difficult to separate nutrient deficiency symptoms from insect infestation symptoms, viral and disease symptoms. Identification of Boron Deficiency by […]

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