September 17, 2024 New York

Blog Post

Year-round Agriculture for Saline Prone Areas

Agriculture for saline-prone areas is very important to ensure the livelihood of farming people. The coastal areas mainly the southern part of Bangladesh is saline-prone areas. The main challenges to this area’s agriculture are an increase in salinity, temperature, irregular rain, high tide, and low tide. These challenges made the agriculture of the southern part […]

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Poultry vaccination schedules in Bangladesh

Poultry vaccination is mandatory to get sustainable revenue from poultry rearing. Chicken, duck, and pigeon need time-specific vaccines to protect them from diseases such as Ranikhet or New Castle Disease, Fowl Pox, Fowl Cholera, Duck Plague, etc. A vaccination schedule is the time schedule of vaccination. Every year large amount of poultry dies in rural […]

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Agroforestry in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, agroforestry is practiced without knowing its scientific value and without following any proper agroforestry systems or methods. Two or three components of agroforestry are present in the majority homestead of rural areas. However, the Agrisilvopastoral system is the most practiced system for sustainable land management in Bangladesh. Agroforestry Components Commonly trees, crops, and […]

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Raising Seedlings in Soil Bed

Raising seedlings in farmers’ fields with quality and vigor is difficult. They have little knowledge about the proper method of seedling raising. Therefore, they have to depend on the seedlings supplied by local nursery growers which is usually difficult to verify the variety of the seedlings. Soil bed is important for raising seedlings in natural […]

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