September 17, 2024 New York

Blog Post

Roadside Tree Plantation in Saline-prone Areas

Tree plantation in saline-prone areas is very challenging due sub-merged condition in Coastal areas of Bangladesh. Many fruits, medicinal, and fuel wood trees were available in the coastal areas but are currently lost due to extreme salinity. Therefore, roadside tree plantations need serious consideration, and use of this high land for planting saline tolerant plants.

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Fruit availability calendar of Bangladesh

Yearround Fruit Availability Calendar of Bangladesh is very important to implement agroforestry plan based on family needs and market demands. Moreover, fruit sellers can import different fruits based on the fruit availability calendar to fulfill market demand. A household can draft its agroforestry plan by following the fruit availability calendar. It is not like a […]

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Agroforestry in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, agroforestry is practiced without knowing its scientific value and without following any proper agroforestry systems or methods. Two or three components of agroforestry are present in the majority homestead of rural areas. However, the Agrisilvopastoral system is the most practiced system for sustainable land management in Bangladesh. Agroforestry Components Commonly trees, crops, and […]

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Agrisilviculture – Betel leaf & Betel nut

Bangladeshi Rural households are practicing Betel leaf-based Agrisilviculture for many years. Although, the practice lacks a scientific basis for getting full benefits by households. Households need capacity-building support to realize the true potential of Agrisilviculture at the homestead level as well as outside the farm level. Joya Ahsan, a rural household woman of Cox’s Bazar […]

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