March 7, 2025 New York

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Lemon: A Brief History

A tiny evergreen tree from Asia, is known as Citrus limon (lemon). The lemon has a number of different species and has yellow ellipsoidal fruit. It is the most important species after oranges and mandarins of citrus fruit.

The term “lemon” comes from ancient French called “limon.” The term “limone,” Arabic “lamun” or “lmun” and Persian “lmun” have distinct names in Italy too. Generic word ‘ lime’ to citrus fruit is connected to Sanskrit nimbu.

Lemon is a flowering plant of the Rutaceae family. Approximately 140 genes and 1300 species are present in the genus citrus. It originated first from Southeast Asia and then spread into north-eastern India, Burma and China. Citrus fruit have been grown worldwide since ancient times. The following are the best types of lemon, such as Lisbon, Eureka and Meyer.

The range of the citrus tree from Lisbon tolerates heat, cold, and windy situations, as well as produces several plants each year, by proper care. The lemon tree “Lisbon” is 30 feet long, with a 25 feet broad canopy. The’ Eureka’ is growing all year round. It is also referred to as ‘Four Seasons’ (Quartre saisons), as it is capable of producing fruit and flowers all year round.

 There is also the pink Eureka fruit that has an exterior peel that is variegated by green and yellow stripes. This fruit’s zest is high in lemon oils. It is the traditional species used in limoncello production. The ‘Meyer’ was named after Frank N. Meyer, who initially brought it to the United States in 1908, when it is a cross between lemons, perhaps an orange or a mandarin. Meyer lemons involve greater care and are not commercially cultivated, as are slightly less slim-skinned and acidic than Lisbon and Eureka lemons. Lemons of Meyer are often mature in yellow orange. They are rather more tolerant to frost than other citrus fruits. The tree is tiny with shiny, leathery, alternate, generally evergreen leaves with oil glands. The stems are usually winged and connected with the leaves most of the moment. The smell of flowers is powerful and sweet. The fruit has the form of spherical or egg. It has 8/14 juicy areas with wide white or greenish seeds. Lemon is traditionally used as an additive to soothe the sore throats of our foods. The lemon’s alkaloid features are also popular. Cross extracts from several citrus parts have shown anti-cancer and antibacterial features against bacterial strains of clinically significant importance.

It is mainly used to decrease blood pressure, mental health, respiratory problems, arthritis and rheumatism. By usingthem, the kidney stones are prevented. Citrus fruits and vegetables are also used to soothe the flaccid pulp, headache and asthma symptoms Cultivation of limon is one of Oman’s most famous crops. Large acid and juice content is present in the Omani lemon variety. The most popular varieties are offered in the Batinah region, for the Sohar and Saham mandate, etc. The acidic substance called citric acid and carboxylic acid contained in the chemical composition of lemon peel other also water.

Citruses are split into distinct groups. Citruses are cultivated in diverse amounts and sweet oranges, mandarins, grapes, lemon and lime. Citrus is cultivated commercially. In nations with tropical or sub- tropical climate, citrus cultivars are cultivated in diverse amounts. Citrus is first among the tree fruits worldwide in region and manufacturing. The most significant fruit crop also growing in Pakistan is citrus fruit (lemon), with an annual output of 1.5 MMT, in an region of 160,000 hectares.

Citrus fruit was cultivated in all four of Pakistan’s regions. The Punjab production is above 95% due to its larger population, favourable increasing conditions and sufficient water. The Pakistani, six-year-old citrus fruit tree generated 966 fruits and produced 3173 fruits at the age of 9.

History/origin of lemon

The origins of the Lemon are not known although it is believed that the first lemons were cultivated in Assam (in north-eastern India), northern Burma or China. A lemon genetic origin research has shown that it is hybrid from bitter orange to lemon (sour orange). In the earliest century AD Lemons reached European countries close to southern Italy, in the period of Ancient Rome. Later, around AD 700 were launched in Persia and then in Iraq and Egypt. The citrus was first reported in literature in early Islamic gardens in an Arabic farming treaty of the 10th century. It was commonly spread between 1000 and 1150 in the Arab world and the Mediterranean area. In Genoa in the center of the 15th century, the first significant cultivation of lemons started in Europe. In 1493, when Christopher Columbus brought Hispaniola lemon seeds on his trips, it was later introduced to the Americas. Spain’s conquest helped spread lemon seeds throughout the New World. It has been used primarily as an ornamental and medicinal herb.

 In Florida and California, lemons were planted more and more in the 19th century. In 1747, James Lind’s studies with scurvy were about the addition of citrus juices to their diets, although the use of vitamin C was still unknown.

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