February 21, 2025 New York

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Langan fruit cultivation

Langan fruit cultivation

The Langan fruit is native to the warm regions of Asia. It belongs to the soapberry family, which includes lychee, and rambutan. The fruit has a thin brownish peel, and the flesh inside is white, and soft, similar to lychee. Langan fruit is often compared to lychee, because of its resemblance and taste.

The outer shell of the langan fruit is almond-coloured. Inside, the edible portion is creamy white, and there is a black seed in the middle surrounded by the white flesh. The langan fruit is juicy and delicious. These fruits grow in clusters on trees and are considered a delicacy in many Asian countries.

The Langan fruit is primarily found in the tropical regions. Many believe that this fruit originated in China, in parts of Burma, and India. Currently, langan is cultivated in several countries, including Bangladesh. The langan tree is an evergreen tree with a height of over 15 feet (4.57 m).

When the outer skin of the langan fruit is removed, it appears similar to an eyeball. That’s why, it is called “Dragon’s Eye” in Chinese.

Langan Fruit Season:

The langan fruit season varies from country to country. In some countries, the first flowers appear from February to May. In other countries, the fruiting season starts at the end of December, and continues until the end of February. And in some cases, flowers begin to bloom from the end of February, to the beginning of April. In the Southern Hemisphere, the flowers bloom between October, and November.

It takes about 5 months from the time the langan flowers bloom, to when the fruits are ready to be harvested.

Method of cultivating Langan fruit:

Proper care should be taken of the soil, water, pests, diseases, and pesticides, to ensure the growth of langan fruit.

The langan tree can be propagated through stem cutting, air layering, grafting, or seed. If you want to grow the langan tree from seeds, it is best to plant fresh seeds. However, to achieve a high yield, it is most optimal to cultivate grafted trees.

The healthy seeds should be dried in a shaded area for 3–4 days. Then, they should be planted immediately. If the seeds dry out, they may lose their viability.

The seed should be planted to a depth of about 2 centimetres. Planting too deep can lead to poor germination.

Langan seeds usually germinate within 7 to 10 days. And it’s best to plant the seedling in a shaded area. Planting a 2 to 3-year-old seedling is ideal.

The location where the langan seedling will be planted, should be dry and warm, and it should not be constantly wet. Excessive moisture in the soil can cause the plant to die.

The Langan tree primarily prefers limestone, loamy soil, and clay soil. The tree likes both clay and sandy soil. The young Langan tree needs regular watering. Until the tree bears fruit, it needs to be watered regularly. Excessive rainfall can sometimes prevent the Langan tree from blooming, or reduce the quantity of flowers.

The small Langan trees thrive with the use of organic fertilizers. Each tree can be given 9 to 10 kilograms of cow manure as organic fertilizer, and can be applied 2 to 3 times a year.

For the first year of Langan tree planting, 109 grams of NPK fertilizer, can be given after every 1.5 months. In the second year, 225 grams of fertilizer, can be given after every 3.5 months. In the third year, 445 grams of fertilizer, can be given after every 3.5 months.

Mature trees of fruit-bearing trees generally require 1.5 to 2.15 kilograms of fertilizer before flowering. Manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, and liquid spray of phosphorus, should be applied in warm regions.

It takes around 6 to 7 years for a tree grown from seeds to bear fruit. The layering method takes 2 to 3 years for fruit production, and grafted trees, take a few months to fruiting.

Langan tree is best planted a little away from the house, because its branches spread quite far.

The benefits of Langan fruit:

Langan fruit is also used as various types of medicine.

This fruit also has no shortage of amazing properties in providing a healthy skin, mind, and body.

This fruit is rich in potassium, which helps to maintain the normal function of the brain and nervous system.

The langan fruit is rich in vitamin C, and antioxidants, which help prevent skin damage. It brightens the skin, nourishes it, promotes hair growth, and reduces signs of ageing.

The langan fruit is also abundant in iron, which helps combat fatigue in the body. Consuming this fruit, provides energy to the body, reducing fatigue.

The langan fruit contains a significant amount of phosphorus, due to which, it plays an effective role in relieving various bone muscle, and joint pain. The powder made from the seeds of the langan fruit is a powerful remedy for diseases, such as, arthritis, fractures, and matured fractures. The seed also helps in resolving various urinary tract problems.

The herb langan, is used in China for various medicinal purposes, including digestion, pain relief, fever, and as an antidote for snake venom. The fruit seeds and flowers of langan, are also used to prepare medicines for different diseases. The powder of langan seeds is used as a remedy for haemorrhoids, bleeding disorders, eczema, and as a pain reliever.

Due to the lack of rigorous testing and scientific evidence, there is not much side effect information available for langan fruit. However, consuming excessive amounts of langan fruit, can potentially lead to allergic reactions. People with diabetes should also be cautious about consuming too much langan fruit, as it can increase blood sugar levels. It is important for individuals with sensitive health conditions to be mindful of their langan fruit consumption.

In Conclusion :

Langan fruit is consumed in various forms. Langan fruit juice, dishes made with langan, fruit jelly, langra fruit cup etc. Langan fruit is a small and sweet fruit, that is enjoyed by everyone. However, excessive consumption of langan fruit, can lead to some health problems. Therefore, by consuming the fruit in moderation, and following the proper guidelines, we can avoid many issues and benefit from its nutritional value.

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