March 29, 2025 New York

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Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit: Cultivation Method, Importance, and nutritional value

Dragon fruit is basically a famous fruit of America which has gained great popularity in our country now. Different varieties of this fruit were first brought to Bangladesh in 2007 from Thailand, Florida, and Vietnam. Dragon fruit tree is a type of cactus plant. This tree has no leaves. Dragon fruit trees are usually 1.5 to 2.5 meters tall.

Currently, the new variety of dragon fruit developed by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (Bari) is Bari Dragon Fruit-1 which is a popular fruit in Southeast Asia. The size of this fruit is large, the colour of the peel turns red when ripe, the shell is dark pink, red, and white, and juicy in nature. The fruit seeds are small, black, and soft. The weight of a fruit ranges from 150 grams to 600 grams.

Dragon fruit is generally of three types-

1) Red Dragon Fruit or Pitaya. The colour of its shell is red, and the shell is white. The fruits of this species are more common.

2) Costa Rica Dragon Fruit. Both the shell and the shell are red in colour.

3) Yellow dragon fruit. The skin of this variety of dragon fruit is yellow in colour and the shell is white in colour.

Varieties: Varieties developed in Bangladesh are:

Bari Dragon Fruit-1, Bau Dragon Fruit-1 (White), Bau Dragon Fruit-2 (Red), Bau Dragon Fruit-3

Nutritional properties: Contains vitamin C, minerals and high fibre. The fruit contains fibre, fat, carotene, a lot of phosphorus, ascorbic acid, protein, calcium, iron.

The Nutrition value per 100 grams of edible dragon fruit is given as-

Water- 80-90 grams

Sugars- 9–10 grams

Protein- 0.15-0.5 gm

Fibre – 0.33-0.90 grams

Food strength- 35-50 kcal

Fat – 0.10-0.6 grams

Calcium- 6-10 mg

Iron- 0.3-0.7 mg

Phosphorus- 16–35 grams

Carotene- vitamin A, Thiamine, Riboflavin (little)

Vitamin B-3 – 0.2 – 0.4 mg

Importance of dragon fruit:

1. It is rich in carotene and keeps the eyes healthy.

2. Aids in digestion due to its high fibre content. In addition, fibre reduces body fat.

3. The resulting protein helps in all metabolic functions of the body.

4. Its calcium keeps bones strong and teeths strong.

5. Vitamin B-3 lowers blood cholesterol and keeps the skin smooth.

6. Vitamin C boosts the body’s immune system and helps maintain healthy skin, teeth, and hair.

Land selection and preparation:

Well-drained high and medium high fertile land should be selected and well-laddered with 2–3 cultivations.

Planting method and planting time:

Dragon fruit cuttings should be planted in square or hexagonal shape on flat land and contour method on hilly land. The suitable time for planting dragon fruit is mid-April to mid-October.


Although dragon fruit is propagated by vegetative means or seeds, it is better to propagate by vegetative means, i.e. cuttings to maintain the maternal quality. The success rate of cutting is almost 100% and fast. A tree produced from cuttings takes 12–18 months to bear fruit.

Usually, seedlings are easily produced by cutting 1 to 1.5 feet (45.72 cm) of old and hardy branches and planting the root cuttings in sandy loam soil in light shade. Then after 20 to 30 days the roots will emerge from the base of the cutting. Then it will be suitable for planting in the field. However, cuttings can be planted directly in the original soil in suitable conditions and as per requirement.

Pruning and training:

Dragon fruit grows quickly and produces thick branches. A 1-year-old tree can produce up to 30 branches, and a 4-year-old dragon fruit tree can produce up to 130 branches. However, branch production depends on proper training and management. Studies have indicated that a tree bears fruit after 12 to 18 months in the context of Bangladesh. 1 or 2 secondary branches are allowed

for each 40 to 50 main branches of fruit collection. However, tertiary and quaternary branches are not allowed in this case. It is best to divide the trimming and pruning activities into days. Any fungicide must be applied after trimming and spraying. Various diseases can attack if strained.

Making holes and planting:

1.5 m x 1.5 m x 1 m size hole should be made and exposed to the sun. After 20–25 days of making the hole, 25-30 kg of rotted cow dung, 250 gm TSP, 250 gm MOP, 150 gm gypsum, and 50 gm zinc sulphate fertilizer should be mixed well with the soil of the hole and fill the hole. Irrigation should be done if necessary. After 10–15 days of hole filling, 4 seedlings should be planted straight in the middle of each hole at a distance of 50 cm. 100 grams of urea should be applied in every hole after 3 months, from 1 month to 1 year after planting.


Regular irrigation should be provided by removing weeds and fencing around if necessary. As the tree is creeping and 1.5 to 2.5 m tall, 1 cement pole 4 m long should be dug between 4 saplings for support. If the seedling is big, it should be tied with straw or coconut rope so that when the stem emerges, the tree can easily grow by clinging to the stem. The ends of each pole should be tied to an old motorcycle tire with thick wire. Then the head of the tree and the other tip should be hung outside to put inside the tire. Because in this way, hanging tips hold more fruit.

Irrigation Management:

Dragon fruit cannot tolerate drought and waterlogging. Therefore, irrigation should be done after 10–15 days in the dry season. In addition, fruiting plants should be irrigated 3 times, i.e. once when the flower is blooming, once when the fruit is a pea seed and again after 15 days.

Disease and pest management:

As a result, the disease is not very noticeable. But sometimes root rot, stem rot diseases are seen in this tree.


If excess water accumulates at the base, the root rots. If this disease occurs, the roots of the tree rot one by two inside the soil and all the roots of the tree rot. When the tree is pulled upwards, only the stem emerges, without the root. However, to get rid of this, it is better to cultivate this fruit on high land. This disease is caused by Fusarium sp.

Stem and root rot diseases:

This disease can be caused by fungi or bacteria. When this disease occurs, the trunk of the tree first turns yellow and then black, and later rotting begins in that part and the amount of rotting increases. To control this disease, any fungicide (Bavistin, Ridomil, Thiovit, etc.) can be easily controlled by mixing 2 grams per liter of water.

Insect spider:

Spider mites are not very common on dragon fruit, but aphid and mealy bug infestations are occasionally seen. Aphid larvae and adults feed on the young branches and leaves of the plant, resulting in pale colouration of the young branches and tips of the affected plant and weakening of the plant. This insect excretes excrement like a sticky juice on the tip, resulting in the formation of a black fungus disease called Shutimold.

It disrupts the plant’s food production. It reduces flower and fruit set. This disease can be controlled easily by mixing 25 millilitres or 5 cups of these insecticides per 10 litres of water to control this insect.

Collecting and yielding dragon fruit:

Dragon fruit cuttings can be harvested between 1 and 1.5 years of age after planting. Fruits should be harvested when they are fully red. Fruits are ready to eat only 35–40 days after flowering. They can be collected in 5–6 stages in a year. First, June-October, second, December-January.

Citation :

  1. Md. Mashreful Alam, Upozila Agriculture Officer, Jamalganj, Sunamganj.

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