March 26, 2025 New York

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Agroforestry in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, agroforestry is practiced without knowing its scientific value and without following any proper agroforestry systems or methods. Two or three components of agroforestry are present in the majority homestead of rural areas. However, the Agrisilvopastoral system is the most practiced system for sustainable land management in Bangladesh.

Agroforestry Components

Commonly trees, crops, and livestock are the main component of Agroforestry. However, the fishery is considered an agroforestry component nowadays. The tree is the most important component and all other components are combined with trees to develop different agroforestry systems.

Systems or Methods

Based on trees combinaiton with crops, livestock and fishery, agroforestry systems were developed. A combination of trees with crops called Tree-crop model or system. This is well-known as Agrisilvicultural. Silvopastoral (Tree-Livestock) method or model is very popular around the world. However, Agricilvopastoral is the mostly practiced system or method in Bangladesh. Another two methods are also available in Bangladesh which are fishery based namely tree-crop-fishery and tree-crop-livestock-fishery.

Tree component includes different types of trees such as fruits, medicinal, wood, berries, nuts, spices etc. Yearround and seasonal vegetables, grains, spices, oil, fibers, ornamentals, etc are included in the crop component. Livestock component includes cattle, goat, sheep, pigs, etc and also includes poultry such chickens, birds and ducks. Fisheries component includes mainly fresh water fish and sometimes salt water fisher near oceans.

Agroforestry Practices in Bangladesh

The rural people of Banglaesh practices different kinds of agroforestry systems in their homestead and hilly areas. Scatteredly planted trees in agricultural crops land is a traditional method practiced in Pabna, Rajshahi, Kushtia, meherpur and tangail districts of bangladesh. Palms, dates, and gum trees are planted on the border of the crop fields which were seen in the Faridpur, Jessore, Magura areas of Bangladesh. In Cox’s Bazar district, betel nut plants with bottle gourds or pineapple are practiced mostly.

A Planned Agroforestry System Can Ensure the plant and animal-based Nutrients Demand of A family year-round.

Mansur Ahmed

In Rajshahi and Dinajpur district, farmers are practiced tree-crop-livestock model in the Mango orchrads. Another tradional method used by farmers in rural areas is tree-crop-fisheries. This system is mainly found in Satkhira, Khulna, Bagerhat, Cox’s Bazar districts.

The successful and sustainable agroforestry model drafting and implementation are very important for rural families to get sustainable income and fulfill nutrient demands. The objectives of the drafting sustainable systems are to supply wood, fruits, animal food, and meat and protects environment & soils.

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